Sunday 7 May 2017

How to make a woven magazine bag

1. Collect old magazines you're willing to take pages out of. Choose your favorites, as you'll want a decent selection of images and colors.

2. Rip out 11 pages you like for each side of the bag. Since the bag has five sides (bottom, right, left, front, and back) you'll need 55 pages in total.

3. Fold all the magazine pieces long ways to form evenly sized strips.

4. Tape five strips together horizontally, as shows here.

5. Weave six strips vertically thought the horizantal piece you made in the previous step. As you weave switch from under, over, under, over, to over, under, over, under for every strip of magazine.

6. Check for everness and make any adjustments needed. It should end up looking similar to the outcome shows in the images.

7. Place a piece of cardboard the same sizes as the magazine side onto the "back" of the woven piece. You can use the back of and old spiral notebook inserts from calendar, or just cut a shape to size from a used cereal box.

8. Carefully, so as not to create bubbles, bumps or unevenness, tape clear tape over the enterial front of the woven piece. Then, tape the ends thant overlap the cardboard to the back of the cardboard. 

9. Cut a magazine piece to the size of cardboard the piece. Tape it on the back to cover up the taped edges and the cardboard itself. It recommended that you add clear tape to this side too, just to strengthen it and to prevent it from being torn when objects are slipped  inside the bag.

10. Decide on the bag final shape. When you've finished one piece, as outlined im the precending steps, you can  decide if you want to make your bag square or rectangular .
  • If you want a square then make four side piece following the same step.
  • If you want it rectangular then make oneore side following the same step and three side following the same step but in steps instead of the five or six pieces outlined above, make five and nine or eight and nine piece.

11. When you have made all the sides, assemble your bags. Just you clear duct tape to tape the entire bag together.
  • If you intend carrying this rather than using it for storage purposes consider adding handles. For handles, use anything scraps such as ribbon, plainted twine, straps off a broken bag, etc. The handle can be attached by stapling, tying, puching in matellic rings and then attaching, etc. Choose the mathod that works best for your needed..

12. Finished....